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Baldi's Basics

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Baldi's Basics

Baldi's Basics (also named Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning) is an exciting parody survival horror game that is set inside a creepy schoolhouse! Micah McGonigal, an American independent developer, created Baldi's Basics under the handle Mystman12. The protagonist is welcomed to class by a goofy-looking primary school instructor. The environment is bright and well-lit, and the music is upbeat. Nothing appears to be dangerous or concerning at first. However, something creepy and terrifying is going on behind the scenes. Only the most courageous people will be able to face what lies ahead. This game mimics educational games from the 1990s by using monstrous graphics and similar themes (such as Sonic's Schoolhouse, I.M. Meer, and 3D Dinosaur Adventure).

How to Play?

Control and achieve victory:

Use the WASD keys to move, and the mouse to turn. Left click to open doors and pick up items, right click to use the currently selected item, and scroll wheel to change the currently selected item. Hold down shift to run (Keep an eye on your stamina bar!), and press space bar to quickly look behind you. Escape can be used to pause.

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